Duyu and Veronica

Meet our #CAPSULEmuses, Duyu and Veronica, mother-and-daughter duo that radiates inspiration – both in wardrobe and life.


Duyu, you are a professional chef. Does your job help you express your creativity?

It does! Creativity is the ability to produce new and useful ideas that solve problems or satisfy needs. When it comes to cooking, creativity helps me to combine ingredients, flavors, and techniques in innovative ways to create unique and surprising dishes. In my experience, creativity is not only important for culinary innovation but also for customer satisfaction and differentiation from the competition.


What role do clothes play in your life? How would you describe your closet?

I work 24/7. After my work day, I have many chores to take care of at home. Therefore, when it comes to clothes, the most important thing for me is comfort. Aside from that, I love mixing modern and classy looks, and I like being well-dressed.

I would give a lot of advice to my daughter, but the most important would be choosing for herself what she wants to do with her life.




You have children, ages one and a half, ten and twenty one. What does it mean to be a mother of three when the children have a significant age difference?

It means starting over. I feel that these days, very few couples dare to have a large family due to the dynamics and demands of daily life, not to mention the challenges of having more than one child. In our family, we involve the older children in caring for their youngest sibling and give small responsibilities so that they feel included. I love each of my children with all my heart and the same intensity. And it's important to understand that each maternity experience is different, even within the same family nucleus.


What advice or lesson would you like to share with your daughter?

As mothers, we have the enormous and essential responsibility of raising another human being. This means covering their basic needs and educating them so they are safe, strong, and happy people. I would give a lot of advice to my daughter, but the most important would be choosing for herself what she wants to do with her life. And no matter what that is, I hope she always tries to do her best and set a good example. 

Also, be gentle with yourself, especially when things don't go as planned.

