Hey there! I'm Agne Breikstiene, and I've been immersed in the world of PR and communication for over 15 years now. But that's not all there is to me. I'm also a firm believer in the harmony found in ancient Eastern philosophy, particularly in the practice of taichi.

My day doesn't kick off with the sunrise; it starts in the evening. What I have for dinner sets the tone for how I'll feel the next morning. And how I organize my tasks for the day ahead can make all the difference between a stressful day and a smooth one. Sure, things don't always go according to a plan, but I've learned that mapping out my next steps in advance saves me heaps of energy and time—and brings me peace.
Another lesson I've learned is to trust the process and keep moving forward. Taichi has been my companion in this journey for over three years now.
I have a few rituals to begin my day: taichi sessions, sipping on some cacao, and taking leisurely strolls in nature whenever possible.
Working in PR means riding the rollercoaster of highs and lows, praises and crises, sometimes all within the spam of a single day. We're constantly navigating between brands, audiences, and evolving trends to keep our audience engaged. It's easy to lose balance amidst all this chaos, but staying grounded in your inner world makes weathering the storms a lot smoother.
You know what brings me peace in my wardrobe? Knowing who I am.
You know what brings me peace in my wardrobe? Knowing who I am. Once I found that clarity, everything fell into place. I shop with a clear mind, avoiding impulsive buys, and opting for quality and simplicity in my attire. Choosing quality over quantity allows me to have a good capsule and not waste my time on seasonal shopping. I speak the language of accessories as well. They elevate my outfit and express my character. But if I want silence that day, I stick to my uniform – jeans, shirt or a good blazer.